OrientDB 下载 安装

  1. 下载解压orientdb压缩包
  2. 通过 server.sh 或者 server.bat 启动orieintdb
  3. 访问 http://localhost:2480 查看orientdb

1 下载解压

orientdb 所有版本

orientdb-3.0.8.zip https://orientdb3.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/releases/3.0.8/orientdb-3.0.8.zip
orientdb-3.0.8.tar.gz https://orientdb3.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/releases/3.0.8/orientdb-3.0.8.tar.gz
agent-3.0.8.jar https://orientdb3.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/releases/3.0.8/agent-3.0.8.jar

无论是zip包还是tar.gz包,解压完进入bin目录,执行 ./server.sh (linux) 或 server.bat(windows) 即可运行OrientDB数据库。
第一次使用需要设置密码,设置完密码启动后在浏览器输入 访问 图形化界面。


          .`        `                                 
          ,      `:.                                  
         `,`    ,:`                                   
         .,.   :,,                                    
         .,,  ,,,                                     
    .    .,.:::::  ````                                 :::::::::     :::::::::
    ,`   .::,,,,::.,,,,,,`;;                      .:    ::::::::::    :::    :::
    `,.  ::,,,,,,,:.,,.`  `                       .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
     ,,:,:,,,,,,,,::.   `        `         ``     .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
      ,,:.,,,,,,,,,: `::, ,,   ::,::`   : :,::`  ::::   :::      :::  :::    :::
       ,:,,,,,,,,,,::,:   ,,  :.    :   ::    :   .:    :::      :::  :::::::
        :,,,,,,,,,,:,::   ,,  :      :  :     :   .:    :::      :::  :::::::::
  `     :,,,,,,,,,,:,::,  ,, .::::::::  :     :   .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
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      ...,::,,,,::.. `:  .,,  :,    :   :     :   .:    :::::::::::   :::     :::
           ,::::,,,. `:   ,,   :::::    :     :   .:    :::::::::     ::::::::::
           ,,:` `,,.                                  
          ,,,    .,`                                           MULTI  MODEL
         ,,.     `,                                       GRAPH DOCUMENT DATABASE
       ``        `.                                         
                 ``                                         COMMUNITY  EDITION
                 `                                           www.orientdb.org


1) Start the server by executing “server.sh” (or “server.bat” if you’re using
   Windows) under the “bin” directory. On most of OS you can just double click
   on it.
2) Type in the terminal the password you want to assign to the “root” user. This
   is needed only the first time.
2) To Open Studio Web Tool, open a browser and point it to the URL:
3) You can also use the console, it’s in “bin” directory. Launch “console.sh”
   (or “console.bat” if you’re using Windows)


Before to download, compile and install the last version of OrientDB please
assure to have Java installed. OrientDB needs Oracle Java JDK version 8 or major
to run the Server. JDK different by Oracle, like OpenJDK, could not work on some
configuration. We noticed also Oracle JDK is generally faster than OpenJDK.

To download Java go to: http://www.java.com/en/download/

Note: Please assure to download the JDK and not JRE.


For more information visit the official website: http://www.orientdb.org.

Remember OrientDB is an Open Source project released with the Apache v2 license,
so it's always FREE for any purpose. If you're interested to Enterprise tools,
professional support, training or consultancy contact: info@orientdb.com.

Enjoy the Graphs,
λ dir
 驱动器 D 中的卷是 disk-D
 卷的序列号是 B0F3-626E

 D:\ProfessionalSoftWare\orientdb\orientdb-3.0.4\bin 的目录

2018-07-12  10:09    <DIR>          .
2018-07-12  10:09    <DIR>          ..
2018-07-12  09:33             4,377 backup.sh
2018-07-12  09:33             1,757 console.bat
2018-07-12  09:33             1,733 console.sh
2018-07-12  09:33             3,670 dserver.bat
2018-07-12  09:33             4,561 dserver.sh
2018-07-12  09:33             1,720 oetl.bat
2018-07-12  09:33             2,083 oetl.sh
2018-07-12  09:33               268 orientdb.service
2018-07-12  09:33             1,770 orientdb.sh
2018-07-12  09:33               394 orientdb.upstart
2018-07-12  09:38             1,641 oteleporter.bat
2018-07-12  09:38             1,475 oteleporter.sh
2018-07-12  09:33             4,102 server.bat
2018-07-12  09:33             4,634 server.sh
2018-07-12  09:33             1,416 shutdown.bat
2018-07-12  09:33             1,886 shutdown.sh
              16 个文件         37,487 字节
               2 个目录 978,574,606,336 可用字节

(2) 启动

λ server
          .`        `
          ,      `:.
         `,`    ,:`
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    ,`   .::,,,,::.,,,,,,`;;                      .:    ::::::::::    :::    :::
    `,.  ::,,,,,,,:.,,.`  `                       .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
     ,,:,:,,,,,,,,::.   `        `         ``     .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
      ,,:.,,,,,,,,,: `::, ,,   ::,::`   : :,::`  ::::   :::      :::  :::    :::
       ,:,,,,,,,,,,::,:   ,,  :.    :   ::    :   .:    :::      :::  :::::::
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  `     :,,,,,,,,,,:,::,  ,, .::::::::  :     :   .:    :::      :::  :::     :::
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      ...,::,,,,::.. `:  .,,  :,    :   :     :   .:    :::::::::::   :::     :::
           ,::::,,,. `:   ,,   :::::    :     :   .:    :::::::::     ::::::::::
           ,,:` `,,.
          ,,,    .,`
         ,,.     `,                                              VELOCE
       ``        `.
                 ``                                         www.orientdb.com

2018-08-11 12:55:01:547 INFO  Windows OS is detected, 262144 limit of open files will be set for the disk cache. [ONative]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:598 INFO  Loading configuration from: D:/ProfessionalSoftWare/orientdb/orientdb-3.0.4/config/orientdb-server-config.xml... [OServerConfigurationLoaderXml]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:940 INFO  OrientDB Server v3.0.4 - Veloce (build 4578b51f72a55feaa0852bc8ddd52929011d956c, branch 3.0.x) is starting up... [OServer]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:977 INFO  8194301952 B/7814 MB/7 GB of physical memory were detected on machine [ONative]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:978 INFO  Detected memory limit for current process is 8194301952 B/7814 MB/7 GB [ONative]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:981 INFO  JVM can use maximum 1963MB of heap memory [OMemoryAndLocalPaginatedEnginesInitializer]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:983 INFO  Because OrientDB is running outside a container 2g of memory will be left unallocated according to the setting 'memory.leftToOS' not taking into account heap memory [OMemoryAndLocalPaginatedEnginesInitializer]
2018-08-11 12:55:01:987 INFO  OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE=3,803MB (heap=1,963MB os=7,814MB) [orientechnologies]
2018-08-11 12:55:02:011 INFO  Databases directory: D:\ProfessionalSoftWare\orientdb\orientdb-3.0.4\databases [OServer]
2018-08-11 12:55:02:076 INFO  Creating the system database 'OSystem' for current server [OSystemDatabase]
2018-08-11 12:55:03:952 INFO  Storage 'plocal:D:\ProfessionalSoftWare\orientdb\orientdb-3.0.4\databases/OSystem' is created under OrientDB distribution : 3.0.4 - Veloce (build 4578b51f72a55feaa0852bc8ddd52929011d956c, branch 3.0.x) [OLocalPaginatedStorage]
2018-08-11 12:55:12:054 INFO  Listening binary connections on (protocol v.37, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2018-08-11 12:55:12:057 INFO  Listening http connections on (protocol v.10, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]

|                WARNING: FIRST RUN CONFIGURATION               |
| This is the first time the server is running. Please type a   |
| password of your choice for the 'root' user or leave it blank |
| to auto-generate it.                                          |
|                                                               |
| To avoid this message set the environment variable or JVM     |
| setting ORIENTDB_ROOT_PASSWORD to the root password to use.   |

Root password [BLANK=auto generate it]: *****
Please confirm the root password: *****

2018-08-11 12:55:27:130 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-etl-3.0.4.jar'... [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:142 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-neo4j-importer-plugin-3.0.4-dist.jar'... [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:165 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-studio-3.0.4.zip'... [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:185 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-teleporter-3.0.4.jar'... [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:211 INFO  ODefaultPasswordAuthenticator is active [ODefaultPasswordAuthenticator]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:217 INFO  OServerConfigAuthenticator is active [OServerConfigAuthenticator]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:219 INFO  OSystemUserAuthenticator is active [OSystemUserAuthenticator]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:221 INFO  [OVariableParser.resolveVariables] Property not found: distributed [orientechnologies]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:249 WARNI Authenticated clients can execute any kind of code into the server by using the following allowed languages: [sql] [OServerSideScriptInterpreter]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:397 INFO  OrientDB Studio available at [OServer]
2018-08-11 12:55:27:398 INFO  OrientDB Server is active v3.0.4 - Veloce (build 4578b51f72a55feaa0852bc8ddd52929011d956c, branch 3.0.x). [OServer]
2018-08-11 13:00:18:547 INFO  Storage 'plocal:D:\ProfessionalSoftWare\orientdb\orientdb-3.0.4\databases/demodb' is opened under OrientDB distribution : 3.0.4 - Veloce (build 4578b51f72a55feaa0852bc8ddd52929011d956c, branch 3.0.x) [OLocalPaginatedStorage]
2018-08-11 13:40:47:544 INFO  Loading configuration from: D:/ProfessionalSoftWare/orientdb/orientdb-3.0.4/config/orientdb-server-config.xml... [OServerConfigurationLoaderXml]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:970 WARNI Received signal: SIGINT [OSignalHandler]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:978 INFO  OrientDB Server is shutting down... [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:981 INFO  Shutting down listeners: [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:983 INFO  - ONetworkProtocolBinary / [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:985 INFO  - ONetworkProtocolHttpDb / [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:986 INFO  Shutting down protocols [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:988 INFO  Shutting down plugins: [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:989 INFO  - studio [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:989 INFO  - teleporter [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:991 INFO  - custom-sql-functions-manager [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:991 INFO  - script-interpreter [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:991 INFO  - etl [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:993 INFO  - neo4j-importer [OServerPluginManager]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:995 INFO  Shutting down databases: [OServer]
2018-08-11 21:13:28:998 INFO  Orient Engine is shutting down... [Orient]
2018-08-11 21:13:29:008 INFO  - shutdown storage: OSystem... [OrientDBDistributed]
2018-08-11 21:13:29:217 WARNI Received signal: SIGINT [OSignalHandler]
2018-08-11 21:13:29:598 INFO  - shutdown storage: demodb... [OrientDBDistributed]
2018-08-11 21:13:30:082 INFO  Clearing byte buffer pool [Orient]
2018-08-11 21:13:30:098 INFO  OrientDB Engine shutdown complete [Orient]
2018-08-11 21:13:30:099 INFO  OrientDB Server shutdown complete
 [OServer]终止批处理操作吗(Y/N)? y


(3) 配置


修改 ${ORIENTDB_HOME}/bin/server.sh

搜 ORIENTDB_OPTS_MEMORY ,大概在102行, 修改 -Xms2G -Xmx2G-Xms16G -Xmx16G


[1] orientdb
[2] 如何在CentOS 7中安装和配置OrientDB社区版